Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Need More Knee Socks

This weekend has been pretty uneventful except for the crazy poops I've had to clean up from my roommates boyfriend's cat. I don't understand how an animal can produce such horrors. Kool-Aid is a tiny and cute, albeit cranky and awkward, little cat with some serious bowel problems. For starters, every time she uses the litter box she feels the obsessive need to scratch at any and everything surrounding the box for fifteen or so minutes after she does her duty. My roommate, Ana, lines the box with a giant trash bag so that it spills out on the floor and around the sides of the box and Kool-Aid scratches it into the box. I woke up today to find the bag completely covering the litter, topped with pools of the most yellow urine I have ever seen as well as two uneven piles of greenish poo that looked like it was the texture of buttercream frosting. Of course the scooper was trapped in the bag. I had to cut it out before I gingerly picked up the piece of pee-covered plastic and chucked it in the trash can.

I breathed my sigh of relief way too soon. When I went upstairs to shower I discovered another mound of greenish poop on the corner of the bathmat. I didn't even try to save it. I just chucked it in the trash can. There are now two layers of poop-covered things in our trash can.

In other, more delicious news, I made something tasty today. I wanted to indulge myself during this relaxed, cozy weekend, so I made some linguini alla carbonara. Which basically means linguini tossed with egg yolks, parmesan cheese and lots of crispy yet tender pieces of bacon. It was pretty tasty considering I didn't properly salt the yolk mixture. I would have also liked to have been able to freshly grate the cheese from a hunk of parmesan instead of trying to crumble up some parmesan I found in a tub in the fridge.

When I have gotten bored lately, I found that I like to put on makeup. I have never worn makeup other than mascara. When all of my friends were in middle and high school, they experimented with it, but I was always terrified because I saw the horrible job they did on themselves. I am trying my best, but the only things I think I need to wear (when I want something different from the norm) are eyeliner and lipstain. I already have pretty even skin, with freckles I don't want to cover up and my cheeks are continuously rosy, so blush is a no-no. Here I am succeeding at being a dweeb.
I rediscovered my love for knee socks last night. I was chilly, but didn't want to wear pants, so I slid on a pair of grey knee socks and solved my problem in about three seconds. I have a feeling I'm going to exclusively wear knee socks this fall/winter. Oh the outfit possibilities have my mind racing.

I love Grease. It is as much of a surprise to me as it probably is to you. Everything about that movie, from the songs, to the outfits, to Frenchy, Rizzo and Kenickie puts a huge grin across my face. Speaking of things that slap a smile on my face, here are two things that I look at when I'm feeling down that always seem to perk me up.

Going to Waffle House with Tiffany. Haven't been there sober in three or so years.

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